We protect and optimize resources

Unsustainable use of natural resources means they become scarce. We have to change our collective habits and use the planet’s resources sustainably rather than without restrictions. This is why we are committed to developing access to resources, protecting and replenishing them, in particular by using the circular economy model.

Why do we need to protect natural resources?

Here is a simple definition of natural resources: they are material or energy resources found in nature before any human intervention. People then transform these resources to provide for their needs. But this brings with it a risk of overexploitation.

Water, vital to life itself, is becoming increasingly rare. Groundwater supplies are under enormous pressure as the global population increases, with demand for water growing all the time.

In 2050, 4.8 to 5.7 billion people will face water shortages.

Today, more than half the world’s population lives in areas where water is already in short supply at least once a year.

Water Recycle

Treating household waste

Energy efficiency

Smart cities

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